In the space where problems are inevitable, they are also bound to be surmounted. Nonetheless, we tend to perceive the
world as being able to discard all problems in a single blink of eye, which is close to impossible. Nothing can be achieved all
at once. But ideally, problems can be resolved one by one, one way at a time.
We at Afyaa believe in positive progress instead of immediate results, finely translated into “patience begets prosperity”.
As our core values revolve around the value of health and wellness, our mission is to instill the belief that ‘health is wealth’,
نِعْمَة (nikmat) a term in Arabic that best describes as one of the blessings in life that Allah grants to human being.
In fact, the concept of halal is not a religion-based faith, but rather, the highlight is put under ethics and hygiene, universal for all.
To us, being healthy is a sense of treasuring rather than routine, and we should always appreciate it while it is there.
We want you to understand there are alternatives that can help you achieve ideal health instead of ‘one cure heals all’.